Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Did Ghost Exist?


What is ghost? Do you know about ghost?

A ghost - or spirit or apparition - is thought to be the energy, soul or personality of a person who has died and has somehow gotten stuck between this plane of existence and the next. Most researchers believe that these spirits do not know they are dead. Very often they have died under traumatic, unusual or highly emotional circumstances. Ghosts can be perceived by the living in a number of ways: through sight (apparitions), sound (voices), smell (fragrances and odors), touch - and sometimes they can just be sensed. However, many theories to explain the thousands upon thousands of documented experiences that people around the world have had since the beginning of recorded history. Ghosts and haunting seem to be a relatively common part of the human experience. And there appear to be several types of ghosts or haunting, and more than one theory might be needed to explain them all. There are different types of ghost due to the different believers. They are portrayed differently in terms of the physical appearance and characters.

In Christian believers.

With so many alternative beliefs in our society, it is often difficult for some to decide what is true, and what is not. The belief in ghosts probably dates back several thousand years. People living at the time of Christ believed in them just as some people living today believe in them. This does not make them any more real. There were lying spirits then, and there are lying spirits now. The Bible says, "And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear." This is the King James Version. The NIV and some others use the word "ghost" instead of "spirit". Matthew 14:26.

The Bible says again that one third of the angels rebelled against God. Satan (Lucifer) was the angel in charge of this rebellion. These angels were punished by being banished from heaven. Satan hates man. Man has a relationship with God that angels could never have. Man was made in the image and likeness of God. Satan is jealous of this and hates us for it. He wants to deceive human kind into rejecting God, so that man will share the same punishment that he is destined for. Satan knows that one single lie wont be effective in deceiving everyone. So he came up with several. Some men would be deceived by Ghosts and reincarnation. Others would adopt an evolutionary philosophy, that the world created itself without God. Others would be deceived into believing in pagan gods, etc. I believe that Satan sends fallen angels to earth to deceive us.

Satan wants us to doubt the existence of God. He wants man to share in his punishment. Part of this deception is the appearance of "ghosts". Satan wants man to believe that these are the spirits of people who have died. That they have overcome the chains of death and returned. This is opposite of what the Bible says happens when we die. By being presented with these spirits one tends to question if the Biblical destination after death is the correct one because if ghosts exist, then clearly heaven does not.

Types of Ghosts.

·         Residual Ghost.
This type of ghost will reappear at certain dates and times, usually when a traumatic event happened in the ghost’s living life. The ghost will never change and the place will never change. The ghost is also completely oblivious to the people that may be near them when they are revisiting the traumatic setting. Those that don’t believe in paranormal activity often suggest that these ghosts are simply makings of the observer’s imagination due to the emotional investment the person has in the place, especially if they knew the ghost in life. Others also suggest that the activity is due to magnetic fields that have actually recorded the event.

White figure image is the lady stand at the middle of stairs.

·         Apparition Ghost.
 This type of ghost takes on a human form and looks exactly as they did while they were alive. When a person sees this type of ghost, they will usually be able to look right through them although they may also be solid figures. They may also be partially visible and partially invisible. These types of ghosts are thought to come back with the purpose of finishing something that they left unfinished in life. This could be something such as taking care of a murderer, or something more pleasant such as coming back to say good-bye to a loved one. The logical answer for this type of ghost is that the person who sees the ghost is actually just having their mind’s play tricks on them. It's unsure why they are able to show up on these rare occasions. Your opinions on this will be most helpful. Some comments will be posted. It should be noted that visiting relatives from the spirit world could also be considered an apparition.

Image of ghost appear for some cases such as for revenge.

·         Vortex Ghost.
A Vortex Ghost can also be called a Tunnel Ghost and generally takes on the shape of a funnel-like shadow or dark figure. This type of ghost is usually on their way somewhere else, creating the funnel shaped appearance. Those that like to find logical explanations for the paranormal have yet to find reasoning for this except that these too, are simply figments of the observer’s imagination. There are many theories as to what vortices are exactly, including a visiting relative or a former resident of the home. It is also believed by some that it is a vehicle to transport spirits in the shape of orbs from their realm to ours.

Some unknown shape called vortex ghost captured in the middle of picture.

·         Mist Ghost.

The term was originally used to describe the substance that mist ghost from spirit mediums during a séance from days gone by. It is now associated and referred to as a mist or fog, and it usually displays a swirl effect within a vaporous cloud. It normally appears several feet off the ground and can linger or travel quickly at will. It is usual colors are gray, white or black but has also been seen and photographed in several other colors. Mist ghost has been caught on both video & all types of cameras. It's important to note however, that a camera can inadvertently create this effect artificially in cold weather by a person exhaling to close to the lens when taking the picture. The exhaled breath looks similar to ectoplasm but without the swirls. Believe by many to be the soul or spirit of those that have passed on from this life. It has been speculated that the spirit will transform to this vaporous state before appearing as a full-bodied apparition.

Some unknown shape of mist ghost captured

·         Shadow Ghost.

Shadow Ghosts are ghosts that take on a shadowy appearance. For this reason, there are more sightings of this kind of ghost than almost any other. This is because some report a simple shadow as a ghost because they believe it to be but it is not. These types of ghosts are usually the ones that are seen through the corner of someone’s eye or passing through a wall. Logical experts say that these really are just that – shadows. The general consensus would be that they are ghosts in one of their forms. Some would say that they are demonic spirits but that doesn't seem to be the case. See the demonic spirits category for more on that.

Dark shadow ghost captured in abandon tunnel.

·         Poltergeists Ghost.

Poltergeists are ghosts that have extremely malicious intent to those they are haunting. They are often physically abusive and can wreak havoc on someone’s life. They take on many different shapes and forms and those searching for a logical explanation simply state that there is no such thing as poltergeists and that this is a ghost story taken to the extreme. Poltergeists usually are attracted to prepubescent children. Before this, Poltergeists has been documented in “Mama” movie.

Poltergeists ghost.

·         Orb Ghost.

Orbs are the most often seen type of ghost and also those that are easiest to catch on camera. They appear as small balls filled with light and they can be many different colors. When trying to explain them, experts will generally say that they are pieces of dust that have gotten on the lens, or in the line of vision of the camera.

Small ball with light captured travel to cemetery.

In Malay Believer.

There are many kinds of beliefs in this world about the types of ghosts. One of the more popular types of ghosts in our local culture are the Malay ghosts. Malays believe that ghosts are usually only active at night especially during the full moon where it is belief to be the most powerful time for the underworld. Of course, be it fact or just simply another Malaysian Urban Legend, we’ll never know. Regarding ghosts of the dead returning, whether to convey a message or take revenge, has no basis in Islam. Allah mentions in the Qur’an: “And behind them is a barrier until the day when they are raised.” [Al Mu'minoon:100] So when a person dies, the soul remains in the grave and a barrier is set up. This means that a soul can not return to the place of the living, neither can they ascend to heaven or hell just yet. Can we, the living, talk to them? The answer is no. “Verily, you can not make the dead hear and you can not make the deaf hear the call when they turn their backs and retreat.” [An Naml: 80]
There is only one instance when the dead can hear. According to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):“After the deceased is placed in his grave and his companions turn to leave, he hears the shuffling of their feet as they walk away. Then there comes to him two angels.” [related by al Bukhari and Muslim]. This is a momentary possession of the faculty of hearing, which stops at the point when the two angels come to the dead for questioning him/her.
Islam explains the realm of the unseen: the jinn. The jinn are creations of Allah that live in the world parallel to us. Jinn is an Arabic word derived from the verb, Janna, which means to conceal or hide. As their name suggests, jinn are physically invisible from us. And this invisibility is probably the reason why some of us have been denying their existence. Regarding the jinn’s origin, it is mentioned that: “Indeed, We have created man from dried clay of black smooth mud. And We have created the jinn before that from the smokeless flame of the fire.” [Al Hijr 15:26-27] Like ourselves, Allah has created and has required the jinn to worship Him. “I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” [Al Dhariyat 51:56] However, jinn do possess some powers and abilities that distinguish them from us, which include taking on a different physical form, like that of a human, for instance. Some jinn, like us, abuse the powers and capabilities given to them by Allah. One of the several ways that these jinn manipulate their powers is through visions. “Indeed, he (Iblis) and his tribe (jinn) watch you from a position where you can not see them.” [Al A'raf 7:27]
For some cases, like other peoples who have visions of dead people (whether familiar or strangers) or those of the ‘unseen’ are common. Those who do not believe in the jinn as God’s creation would be convinced that these are indeed the souls of the departed trying to tell us something. And this is exactly what the jinn is trying to do: lead us astray – from our beliefs and the truth. Other ways these jinn manipulate us into shirk is through fortune telling, black magic, whispering into our hearts, or trying to communicate with us.

Type of Ghost in Malay believer.

·         Pocong.

In a traditional Malay believer, a body is wrapped in a white cloth before it is prayed over and laid to rest. This is the Hantu Pocong, which in Malay and Indonesian folklore, is said to take the form of a body enshrouded in 'coffin cloth' or kain kafan. According to the Muslim funeral practice, a body has to be tied at several places to keep the cloth in place. When the wrapped body is laid into the grave, the knot keeping the coffin cloth in place is usually removed. Malays believe that after death the soul of this body will stay on earth for 40 days.


·         Pontianak.

Also known as the vampire where it is belief that they are usually ladies dressed in white seeking for revenge. The pontianak is said to be the spirit of a woman died of childbirth. Most of the time, they can look very beautiful but if you look closely, she would have razor sharp teeth. They usually comes out after the sun sets searching for men or pregnant women (apparently, it is said that she could not bear the thought of other women being able to enjoy motherhood) to suck blood. Sometimes, they even eat the flesh of babies ripped out from their mother’s womb.

Image of Pontianak captured in the picture.

·         Toyol.

These are actually ghostly kids that people adopt for the objective of stealing other people’s money. It is believed that this spirit is kept and preserved in a jar in a form of a foetus. Because the toyol is kept by people to do bidding, you have to feed it with blood everyday.

Real Toyol form before it summons from their master.

·         Penanggal.

Usually women studying black magic that has the ability to split its body from its head and fly around with its guts hanging around. It is said that its love to suck the blood of women during childbirth.

Penanggal was captured by villager’s shaman.

Ethnics in Country of Malaysia

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One of the things you will find most fascinating about Malaysia is its people and culture. Being a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-lingual society of 28 million is no easy feat, as race continues to be a hotly debated issue and permeates almost every aspect of Malaysian life.

The Malaysian population consists of 62% Bumiputeras, which includes Malays and the Indigenous peoples, 24% Chinese, 8% Indians, and the rest are other minorities. Or as we say in Malaysia, ‘lain-lain’ or others. Citizenship in East Malaysia or the states of Sabah and Sarawak are a little different from citizenship in Peninsular Malaysia for immigration purposes. When West Malaysians visit East Malaysia, they are required to bring their MyKad, a biometric smart chip identity card, which must be carried by citizens of Malaysia at all times.

The Malays form the largest community, and they are defined as Muslims in the Constitution of Malaysia- in other words, if you are Malay, you are automatically Muslim. The Malays are the big brothers of politics, dominating the political scene. Their native language is Malay, the national language of the country. They are also sometimes called ‘bumiputra’, or ‘princes of the soil’ and are favoured with certain affirmative action policies. This has been a point of discontent with a lot of minorities. Among others, getting a 10% to 25% discount when buying a house and receiving government tenders and scholarships are some of these benefits. How did this come about? I’ll tell you more in the economy section.

The second biggest group are the Chinese. They are mostly Buddhists, Taoists or Christians. The Chinese community speaks a variety of Chinese dialects including Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese, Hakka, and Teochew- all from the native familial provinces in China. But today, many Chinese speak English as their first language; in fact there are some who speak only English. If the Malays dominate the political scene, the Chinese dominate the business scene. There is a sizable middle class consisting of the Chinese.

The third biggest group are the Indians. The Indians in Malaysia are mainly Hindu Tamils from southern India whose native language is Tamil. Of course there are other Indian communities living here and they speak many dialects like Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi. Many middle to upper-middle class Indians in Malaysia also speak English as a first language. There is also a vigorous 200,000-strong Indian Muslim community that thrives as an independent cultural group. In fact, if you get hungry in the middle of the night, you most probably will head to a ‘mamak’, a kind of 24-hour restaurant that is often owned by an Indian Muslim. There is also a sizable Sikh community in Malaysia numbering over 100,000.

The largest non-Malay indigenous tribe is the Iban of Sarawak, who number over 600,000. Some still live in traditional jungle villages in long houses along the Rajang and Lupar rivers, though many have moved to the cities. Then, there are the Bidayuhs, who number around 170,000 and are concentrated in the south western part of Sarawak. Then there are the Kadazans, the largest indigenous tribe in Sabah and they are mostly Christian farmers. Then there are the 140,000 Orang Asli, or aborigines, living in Peninsular Malaysia. Traditionally nomadic hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists, many have been partially absorbed into ‘modern’ Malaysia.

Besides that, through interracial marriage, there are a significant number of racial groups such as the Eurasians, who are descendants of marriages among the British, Dutch and Portuguese and the locals. They speak a Portuguese-based creole, called Papiá Kristang. There are also Eurasians of Filipino and Spanish descent, mostly in Sabah. Descended from immigrants from the Philippines, some speak Chavacano, the only Spanish-based creole language in Asia. Then there are Cambodians and Vietnamese, who are mostly Buddhists. Then there are Thai Malaysians, who populate a big part of the northern peninsular states of Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Perak, Kelantan and Terengganu. Besides speaking Thai, most of them are Buddhists, celebrate Songkran or Water festival and can speak Hokkien, but some of them are Muslim and speak the Kelantanese Malay dialect.

Then there are the Bugis and Javanese, who make up a part of the population in Johor. In addition, there have been many foreigners and expatriates who have made Malaysia their second home, also contributing to Malaysia’s population. Then there are the Babas and Nyonyas, or Straits Chinese; descendants of Chinese who came to trade in ancient Malacca who married local Malays. They combine Malay and Chinese traditions in such a way as to create a new culture. Most of them dress in typical Malay fashion, wearing the kebaya ketat, which is a Malay traditional costume, and they speak a special kind of Malay, and cook food that is a mix of the both cultures.

Being a multiracial country, cultural exchanges and cultural integrations are inevitable. For example, this can be seen in Malay wedding ceremonies, which incorporates elements of the Hindu traditions of southern India. The bride and the groom dress in gorgeous brocades, sit in state, and feed each other yellow rice with hands painted with henna. Another example is that the Muslims and Hindus have adapted the Chinese custom of giving little red packets of money or ‘ang pau’ at festivals such as Aidilfitri, and Deepavali. The colours of the packets vary, but the practice is similar.

In Malaysia, it is entirely possible to go from a kampong or a village, to a rubber estate to a Chinese coffee shop and feel as if you’ve seen so many different sides to one country. Travel to any Kuala Lumpur suburb and observe. A Chinese house will have a mother praying and lighting joss sticks for her ancestors, an Indian family will be playing the radio featuring the latest Tamil hit, while the Malay family will be getting ready to walk to the closest mosque.

Malaysia is a multi-racial country consisting of Malays, Chinese, Indians and numerous indigenous people. With this, comes a myriad of religion, festivals, food and customs.

Malay - Today, the Malays, make up Malaysia's largest ethnic group, which is more than 50% of the population. In Malaysia, the term Malay refers to a person who practices Islam and Malay traditions and speaks the Malay language. Their conversion to Islam from Hinduism and Buddhism began when the Sultan of Melaka embraced it in the 14th Century. They are known for their good mannerisms.

Credited to: http://www.EthnicgroupsMalaysia.html

Chinese - The second largest ethnic group, the Malaysian Chinese form 25% of the population. Mostly descendents of Chinese immigrants during the 19th century, different dialects are spoken. Hokkien is spoken mainly in the North, in Penang and Cantonese in Kuala Lumpur. There are other dialects like Teochew and Hakka and other smaller dialects such as Foochow, Henghua, Kwongsai, Hokchia and Hokchui. Mandarin is widely spoken in the southern states. The Chinese are known for their diligence and keen business sense.

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Indian & Sikhs - The Indians constitute 10% of the Malaysian population and is the third and smallest of the three main ethic groups. Most are from Tamil Speaking South India who immigrated to Malaysia during British colonial times. Mainly Hindus, they brought their colourful cultures such as ornate temples, spicy cuisine and exquisite sarees. The Punjabi speaking Sikh community in Malaysia owes its beginnings in the country to the British connection and in particular with the recruitment of Sikhs for the paramilitary and police units in the 1870s and onward.

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Peranakan, Baba-Nyonya - Peranakan, Baba-Nyonya and Straits Chinese are terms used for the descendants of the very early Chinese immigrants(15thcentury) to the Nusantara region, including both the British Straits Settlements of Malaya and the Dutch-controlled island of Java among other places, who have partially adopted Malay customs in an effort to be assimilated into the local communities. The spoken language is Baba Malay, which is Malay language with Chinese Hokkien mix. However it is a dying language that only the older generation speaks. Peranakans are found mainly in Melaka and Penang, although there is a lesser known 300 year old Peranakan community in Kelantan.

Chitty - The Chitty are a distinctive group of Tamil people found mainly in Malacca, who are also known as the Indian Peranakans. Historical records stated that the Tamil traders from Panai in Tamil Nadu settled down in Malacca during the sovereignty of the Sultanate of Malacca. Like the Peranakans, they later freely intermingled with the local Malays and Chinese settlers. However, with the fall of the Malacca Sultanate after 1511, the Chitty eventually lost touch with their native land. Like the Peranakans, the Chitty speak a Malay patois, which is mixed with many Tamil loan words. Many of the Chitty are unable to communicate in Tamil fluently. The Chitty population is around 2000 and the traditional Chitty settlement is located at Kampung Tujuh along Jalan Gajah Barang, Melaka.

Portuguese Descendants - Known also as Eurasians, they are the descendants of the Portuguese who arrived in Melaka in 1511, coming from Goa, India. Upon arrival from Goa, they built settlements and married the locals. Their spoken language is Christang, which is an old form of Portuguese. The Eurasians are predominantly Catholic. Numbering around 2000, they live in a settlement in Ujong Pasir, Melaka.

East Malaysia

In East Malaysia, the indigenous people of Sarawak are known as the Dayaks, the Iban, Bidayuh and Orang Ulu. The largest indigenous ethnic groups of Sabah's population are the Kadazan Dusun, the Bajau and the Murut.

Sabah’s indigenous people is also include Kadazan-Dusun, Kwijau, Murut, Bajau, Illanun, Lotud, Rungus, Tambanuo, Dumpas, Mangka’ak, Suluk, Illocano, Orang Sungai, Brunei, Kedayan, Tagalog, Bisaya, Tidong, Indonesian, Maragang, Orang Cocos, Paitan, Ida’an, Minoko, Rumanau, Serani, Chinese of mixed bumibutra parentage and Filipino of mixed bumiputra parentage.

Orang Asli-Orang Asli means Original People. These indigenous ethnic groups are found in both East and West Malaysia.

Dayak means upstream or inland. Typically, they live in longhouses traditional community homes that can house 20 to 100 families.

Iban is the largest of Sarawak's ethnic groups with over 30% of the state's population. In the past, they were a fearsome warrior race known for headhunting and piracy. Sometimes wrongly called Sea Dayaks for their boating skills, they live in the heart of Kalimantan.

The Bidayuh are peace loving and easy going but ironically have a history of headhunting. Their roundhouses are mainly located in Sarawak's mountainous regions.

Orang Ulu
Orang Ulu are the upriver tribes of Sarawak. Artistically inclined, their longhouses are ornately decorated with woodcarvings and murals. Their utensils are embellished with intricate beadwork; and aristocratic ladies cover their body with finely detailed tattoos.

Kadazan Dusun
The largest ethnic group of Sabah, the Kadazan Dusuns form about 30% of the state's population. Actually consisting of two tribes; the Kadazan and the Dusun, they were grouped together as they both share the same language and culture. However, the Kadazan are mainly inhabitants of flat valley deltas, which are conducive to paddy field farming, while the Dusun traditionally lived in the hilly and mountainous regions of interior Sabah.

The second largest ethnic group in Sabah, the Bajaus make up about 15% of the state's population. Historically, a nomadic sea-faring people that worshipped the Omboh Dilaut of God of the Sea, they are sometimes referred to as the Sea Gypsies. Those who chose to leave their sea-faring ways become farmers and cattle breeders. These land Bajaus are nicknamed 'Cowboys of the East' in tribute to their impressive equestrian skills, which are publicly displayed in the annual Tamu Besar festival at Kota Belud.

Murut means ‘Men of the Hills’ and they are the third largest ethnic group in Sabah, making up about 3% of the state's population. Traditionally inhabiting the northern inland regions of Borneo, they were the last of Sabah's ethnic groups to renounce headhunting. Now, they are mostly shifting cultivators of hill paddy and tapioca, supplementing their diet with blowpipe hunting and fishing. Like most indigenous tribes in Sabah, their traditional clothing is decorated with distinctive beadwork. ‘Kaansayan Minatong’ means welcome in Murut language.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013



Hello there.. Today we want to tell you about our favorite fairy tales. Hope you enjoy reading. =)

 Everyone in their childhood had their own favorite fairy tales. There were so many factors that got them become interested with the story. These including the media factor especially the story books and the electronics media, for example the television and the internet. 

Same with us that had faced our childhood. In our childhood time, all the fairy tales story were displayed through the television every weekdays in the morning, for examples based on Disney channel of Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Jack and the Sprouts Bean. Now, we wanted to discuss about our favorite fairy tales which were Cinderella and Rapunzel. However, in this 21st century edition, the fairy tales story had been modernized and it became more interesting than the classic one such of the story was the Rapunzel story, or the modernized one was called 'Tangled'.

 Why we love them so much? 
The synopsis.

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          The first one was a Cinderella story. This story was about a beautiful girl that lived with her step-mother and her step-sisters. Her parents leaved her when she was young. After that, her father met with her step-mother and then got married. However, after her father dead and leaved her, her step-mother got changed of her attitude, also with her step-sisters. They made Cinderella liked a servant, and they made her done all house chores like sweeping the floor, cooking and others only by herself. They also don't really like Cinderella so much and got jealousy over her beauty.
                          Cinderella  was cleaning in her house.
                            (Credited to 


The story became interesting after the royal palace had announced a ball party and had invited the family to join the ball. However, the step-mother avoided Cinderella to join the party. She was very upset and suddenly the fairy Godmother heard her crying at the back of her house. The fairy persuade her and helped her to get ready for the ball. She became excited and had changed to be a very beautiful lady like a princess with a very clear glass shoes on her feet. The pumpkin that she planted became a beautiful horse-drawn carriage with the smart rider too.

Cinderella with the Fairy Godmother .
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 When she step at the front door of the palace, everyone including the step-family became shocked and wondering who’s that lady? Even they seem like knew her. The handsome prince also approached to her and invited her to dance with him. Everyone in the palace seem like stunned and got jealous to their intimacy. However, Cinderella had to go back home at 12 o’clock and she looked really anxious until her glass shoes left at the stair while she was running. 

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The climax of the story became interesting after the prince felt that he was fall in love for the first sight to Cinderella, and had asked all villagers to gather around. He really wanted to find the owner of the glass shoe. The evil step-family had secretly known the real owner that was Cinderella. They locked her inside her room and gave her go outside the house or else they would made an evil things to her. On the other hand, the fairy had heard everything and helped Cinderella to escape from the house. She ran towards the gathering as she also fell in love with the prince. She got certain and went to him to be the owner of the real glass shoe. At last, the handsome prince found the owner and wanted to live with her happily ever after. 
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Our opinion about the story.

The story told us about a very poor girl had been abandoned and live with her evil step-family. However, a very good and kind person will be reply with a good deed. The evil one will be rewarded with atrocity. We believed that every girl around the world really dreams to be like the Cinderella and married with the handsome prince. Who else in this world don’t like a dream life like that, isn't it? Lastly, she got escaped from the horror life with the step-family and live a happy life with the prince.

TANGLED ( Rapunzel)
(Credited to http://www.fanpop. com)
The Rapunzel story was about a beautiful girl that had a very long hair and reached until the ground. However, her aunt made her locked by herself at a very high tower and she cannot went outside to play like the ordinary child. 

(Credited to http://www.fanpop. com)
Her aunt only looked for her magical long hair that could made her became young and beautiful even though her age was over 80th. Actually, Rapunzel was a princess of the country,  but after the witch had known about her magical hair that had raised together after she was born, the evil witch wanted her because of her magical hair. She kidnapped her and raised her until became a very beautiful lady. At that time, she still doesn't knew the truth of her real life.

The creepy mother that really loved Rapunzel's magical hair.
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The story became interesting when a prince came to the jungle and saw her singing with her hair untied at the window tower. He looked amazed with Rapunzel’s long hair. For that time, he fell for her. On the other day, he came to the jungle again and saw a woman went up to the tower by climbing up with a very long yellow-hair but not with a ladder. He only sneaking around the bushes and watched what they were doing everyday. 

Flynn was climbing to the tower to meet Rapunzel  by her long hair.
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The climax of the story turned out after Rapunzel had heard her aunt conversation with a strange person and she knew what exactly her aunt wanted on her. On that time, she really upset to her aunt and she recalled everything that came in to mind everything that she shared with her aunt only just an acting to get her magical hair. 

The real face of the creepy mother of Rapunzel.
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On that time, she was befriend with the prince secretly after the prince was decided to try to get up on the tower to identified who exactly living in that very high tower. She told all of the story she heard and sharing the feeling to her new friend. At last, the prince invited her to go the village nearby and made her enjoy the real life outside. 
Rapunzel and Flynn playing around.
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When the evil witch knew that she had left from the tower, she became really mad and asked her servant to find her and the prince. Rapunzel cut her hair after she got trapped to the evil witch and had knew who she really was while she was looking at the mirror wearing a tiara on her head. 
Rapunzel was looking at the mirror.
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However, the evil one lost from the game and the kind person got what they reserved to get for the truth. The prince helped Rapunzel to escape from the evil witch and help her finding the clue to get her real parents. Then, at that time, the king and queen were still searching for her missing beloved princess. The princess showed herself to her real parents on her birthday anniversary. The prince and Rapunzel got married and live happily ever after.   
Rapunzel met her biological parents.
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Flynn and Rapunzel got married.
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Our opinion.

This story told us about the belief on magic that make people become greedy and evil person. However, that magic for the evil witch only last a while and then it turns out to turn back normal as usual and righteously. Even the evil witch tried to be young than her age, but still the age will not turn down or decreasing over time. Every young person or human on this earth will get old when the age is increasing over time. In addition, it cannot be change and there is a quote from a holy 'Quran' said that “Every live person on this earth will felt the real death” and we as a human cannot avoid it to happen.

Second thing is that, we are really impress with Rapunzel herself for being a brave and strong girl when she met with a strange person that she not really known. Her kindness also made the prince to fell on her. We also really love her beautiful long hair.

Lastly, we love the ending of the story that Rapunzel glad to met with her real family and also got married with a handsome prince. With her patience over the years that she grew up without her real family, make us to be a thankful person to God that made us felt the true love of having a real and a happy family. 


These stories really gave a lot of good value instead of getting a beautiful marriage and beautiful love story. So, to be rewarded with a good deed here and after the death day, everyone had been told from the child hood to be a better and kind person that likes to help everyone no matter who they are. At least we know what type of kindness we can do to help the needy one and not become a bad person with a hard heart. Another thing from the story that we really liked was, when fairy helped Cinderella and changed her became a very beautiful lady like a princess. It was a dream for every woman to be a beautiful person like a magic and got married with a handsome prince. However, the means of beauty cannot be judged just by looking the outside and appearance, though the inner side of the heart owner is the important thing, as the heart is the key to all of kindness and attitude of the owner. 

So, based on those stories that we had shared, we can make some reflection or advice ourselves to change from bad to be good and kind person. Be a patience person on everything that come through our live and make it as a test from God in our live. So that, we will not get disappointed over the life that we through and also God will bless us and reward us with a better present than what we had wanted all this time in whole life.
So let’s renew our heart and become like the Cinderella and the Rapunzel….