Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Poverty Of The World

What can be define poverty of the world?

       The issues of poverty are many around the world. The amount of information available on poverty is more can be summarized on any one website, media and so on. The statistics here are provided to give an overview of the poverty situation in the world, a bit of information on a selected poverty topics. 

Poverty is the state of human beings who are poor. That is, they have little or no material means of surviving little or no food, shelter, clothes, healthcare, education, and other physical means of living and improving one's life. Some definitions of poverty, are relative, rather than absolute, poverty reduction would not be considered to apply to measures which resulted in absolute decreases in living standards, but technically lifted people out of poverty.

"In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of." - Confucius

The risk factor of world in poverty.

Here list of the risk factor of poverty:-
  • Inadequate assets
  • High debt
  • Not graduating from high school
  • Young single parent
  • Divorce, especially for the wife
  • Inadequate health insurance

~Some overview of the difference life between the poor and the richest.~

When you see the picture below, I know that all of you can make difference of the lifestyle between the poor and the richest.

"House of celebrity Oprah. (Credited to www.celebhomephotos.com)
"House of poor people.
 (Credited tohttp://globalissueslist.blogspot.com.)"   

~Poverty facts and statistics.~

            Now we go on to the facts of poverty around the world. Below is the percentage of people in the world at different poverty levels chart around 2005. Based on the graph, below were the facts of poverty around the world that you can make some overview.  

(Credited to http://povertyblog.wordpress.com.)

Some of explanation over the graph :-

$1 challenge. More than 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day and more than 2 billion live on less than $2 a day. 

• Check your assumptions. Americans believed that their government spends 24 percent of the federal budget on aid to poor countries, but the actual figure is less than 1 percent. 

• Daily disasters. HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria—all treatable diseases—claim the lives of over 8,000 people every day in Africa due to lack of access to health care. 

• The water walk. Women in developing countries travel an average of almost four miles each day to collect water due to problems of clean water. 

• The poor pay more. People living in the poorest slums can pay as much as ten times more for water than those in high-income areas of their own cities. 

• Gender disparity. According to the U.N., the majority of people in poverty are women, who globally earn roughly half as much as men. 

• Daily bread. Food prices have risen 83 percent since 2005, disproportionately affecting those in poverty who spend a higher percentage of their income on food. 

• No school for you. In 2005, a conservative estimate stated that 72 million children around the world of elementary school age were not enrolled in school. 

•The global wealth gap. The richest 20 percent of the world's population receives 75 percent of the world's income, while the poorest 40 percent receive only 5 percent of the world's income. 

Credited to (http://globalissues/11-facts-about-global-poverty.htm).

  ~Ways On Reducing Poverty Around the World.~ 

Ways on reducing poverty among the poor :- 

~>  Extending property rights protection to the poor- based on World Bank: increasing land rights is 'the key to reducing poverty' citing that land rights greatly increases poor people's wealth.

~>  Increase in cell phone technology that brings the market to the poor or rural sections - helps in bringing freedom by making financial services accessible to the poor - can make a cash transfer through mobile banking or microfinance bank - in poverty place overwhelming importance on having a safe place to save money much more than receiving loans - these can be done between phones and issued back in cash with a small commission, making remittances safer by virtual account on customers' phone.

~>  Most of poor are farmers - so by improving the water management can help reduce poverty among the farmers - can improve productivity and potentially move beyond subsistence-level farming. access to irrigation provided the families with opportunities to increase their livelihood activities and potentially increase their incomes in agriculture. for example; people with land could reliably grow rice or vegetables instead of working as labourers or relying on rainfall to water their crops and this can reduce their poverty life. 

~>  Making employment opportunities available as it is important for the poor people in increasing the income and access to their basic needs - the companies can donate people out of poverty, the national economic growth also will end poverty and that companies operating as it does in increasing their productivity and quality of the company. 

~>  Better auditing of how the aid from the donors is used. immunization campaigns for children that being done, such as against polio, diphtheria and measles have saved millions of lives with proper aid receiving. based on supporters of aid, the aid from non-governmental organizations may be more effective than the governmental aid because it is better at reaching the poor and better controlled at the grass-roots level comparing with the annual world military spending that over $1 trillion.

~>  Debt relief may allow poor nations "to get out of the hole", so that they can use the money instead for priorities which can help reduce the poverty among themselves such as basic health care and education. 

~>  Made a micro loans by the farmers or villagers, so that they can obtain the things they need to increase their economic rewards as a beginning. this micro-loans is a loan of a small amounts of money. 

~>  Promoting gender equality through empowerment of women.
         - Ensure women's equal rights and access to economic resources.
         - Linking women's capabilities and contributions with micro-economic issues.
         - For economic issue : contribute more effectively to economic growth and income distribution since having a source of income that help elevates their financial and social status.
         - For politics : the United Nations Development Programme had made some efforts on promoting women' political empowerment, that are increase women in public office, strengthen advocate ability of women's organizations, ensure fair legal protection, and provide equivalent health and education.
         - These enable them to lobby for more female-specific poverty reduction policies and programs. 

~>  Efficient and fair governments would work to invest in the long-term interests of the nation rather than plunder resources through corruption.
         - Can overcoming the selfish interest of wealthy elites.

~>  Fair trades can advocates the payment of an above market price as well as social and environmental standards in areas related to the production of goods.

(Credited to http://onedayswages.com/what-extreme-global-poverty.htm.)


From these facts of overview, we can conclude that there are so many factors that affect the poverty around the world. Besides, all organizations such as private or government should take part to avoid these phenomenon to appear in our lovely country. 

As we know that there are so many ways or methods that can be used or applied towards the poverty. Thus, they had to be cooperative and be professional on handling such these problems faced, luckily these phenomenon not really occurred in our lovely country Malaysia. And we must thanked to God and also our government that had govern our country well until now. 

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